Hey everyone!! This week was super cool!
First off, for less missionary like activities we went to Quinta de Regaleira for P-Day as a district. Oh man. That place is on the same level as Disney World. Its amazing. I'll add some pictures because secret tunnels, inverted towers, castles, mansions, crazy archeitecture, secret labratories with frankenstein monster stories, gardens, and waterfalls with enterances to said tunnels. It was incredible.
Well enough with the amazingness of Portugal and Sintra, now for the things that were really cool! First of all, our members. Our members have confidence with us and are quite willing to work with us. Its amazing. They are wonderful. You members have no idea the difference you make. In teaching or in just giving us rides to far away places to look for random contacts and less active members. You guys are great. My hat goes off to all of you and your patience with us missionaries.
Well some of our investigator friends. We finally met with Maria Rosaria. Her husband died a month ago and she has TONS of questions about the true God and the true church. We explained the restoration to her and invited her to pray. She has some awesome potential, if we can meet up with her again. The problem is is that things are pretty inconsistant when we mark things. Sometimes we show up and she is sleeping or something so we it doesn't work out. Which is a shame to leave because we need to teach with members and she lives slightly far away. But we are so excited to teach her all the same. She is an amazing lady. She has been to church once a few months ago and she LOVED it. She said she felt amazing and welcomed like never before. Ya. She's super awesome.
We have Teresa. Her story is interesting. She works at the Disney store in Colombo (shopping center) and was contacted by Sister Tavares. Christmas time actually. Sister Tavares told her she had a present for her (Elders singing for her) and said she would pass by later. We did pass by but it was the wrong address. About a week or so ago she found the right address and called. We went there and taught the Restoration, then went with Sister Tavares and two more Elders and sang two Sundays ago. Then we invited her to baptism. And she didn't like that. She is pretty hard catholic and very active. She acted pretty cold around us when we called. We finally managed this week to pass by. She didn't look to pleased to have us there. We were planning on teaching the Plan of Salvation but that wouldn't go over very well. We talked for a bit and asked if she had read. She promptly told us that it didn't make sense like the bible does. Why is it different? We explained about how the Bible and the Book of Mormon support one another and then proceeded to explain how we can study the Book of Mormon. We showed her the Guia do Estudo das Escrituras and went over how you can look up things by topic and find scriptures in the Book of Mormon and the Bible. We read about faith and looked up Alma 32. She loved it. She was explaining to us about how the seed of faith works and how it grows to bear fruit and why we need faith to wait for the fruit and the difference between faith to see the seed grow and faith to see the seed bear fruit. Oh man. It was super cool. She said that she really needed all of that. We talked more on faith and we left as friends. It was truly a miracle to see the spirit work and the power of the Book of Mormon to soften her heart. MIRACLES. Now we are going to talk with her again on Tuesday. Should be great.
I learned a ton about revelation this morning. Basically, we receive revelation by writing what we learn. Then as we write we receive more. I saw this pattern throughout D&C 76. I would love to include all of what I learned but I don't really have time. So I have it written in Portuguese. If parents are up to the challenge of translation, go for it. If not, good luck. Also it has a story about how the lesson with our adventist friend went.
Esse semana foi boa. Estou aprendendo muito. Mesmo hoje da manha aprendi um lição valioso sobre revelação. Foi muito interessante, mas para entender, primeiro vamos falar sobre aquele Adventista. Fomos para a casa dele ontem. Ele não veio para Igreja infelizmente. Ele respondeu que ele recebeu uma resposta do dia do Sabado porque o culto la no Sabado foi o culto mais espiritual que ele ja teve e ele aprendeu muito ao respeito de como o dia do Senhor representa a dia de descanso e tal. Queriamos falar ao respeito de recebendo revelação na igreja (ontem foi fantastico) mas ele estava la com mais dois adventistas e um homen catolico menos interessado. Uau. Aquele lição foi bem interessante. Um mixtura entre ensinando e eles atacando nossas ensinamentos. Eles queriam mesmo aprender, ensinamos o plano de salvação e Junior (nosso amigo principal) testificou para os outros sobre a veracidade do Livro de Mormon. Eles estao bem interessado com muitas perguntas. Infelizmente, esses perguntas sao tao especificos que eles nao vejam a visao geral. Como aquele escritura em que Cristo fala com os fareiseus dizendo algo sobre....bem, em ingles é: "those who strain at a gnat and swallow a camel." Aqueles que ...ficam chatiado com uma mosquito e engolhem um camelo ou algo assim.
Mas ensinamos bem acho eu. Verificamos varias vezes se eles estavam la para aprender ou para ensinar e deixamos claro nossa posição. Com tudo isso, eu decedi que eu tinha que ter um conhecimento maior para o plano de salvação. Eu sinto bem por enquanto com minha conhecimento do Restauração e o Evangelho de Jesus Cristo, mas com os detalhes do Plano, eu queria ter mais conhecimento das escrituras. Hoje eu estudei D&C 76 e 2 Néfi 2. Eu mesmo estudei. E eu aprendi muito. O plano ficou tao claro para mim. É tão genio! É incrivel! Como precisavamos da queda para ter conhecimento entre bem e o mal para progredir mas isso nos deu morte. Então temos Cristo para nos redemir para que nos podemos agora ter conhecimento entre o bem e o mal E ter um vida eterna e voltar para viver com o pai se nos queremos. Assim nos podemos ter todas as partes boas e deixar todas as partes maus. Nao sei como explicar como é incrivel esse plano.
Tambem notei que em D&C 76, eles receberam um pouco de revelação, e dai foram mandado para escrever. So depois de escrever esse revelação, eles receberam mais informaação. É como alguem dando um discurso para um outro que vai escrever. Eles não vão contar a discurso inteiro e depois pedir tal pessoa para escrever mas sim, falar um pouco, escrever um pouco. Falar um pouco, escrever um pouco. Enquanto estava formulando algumas pensamentos sobre revelação e como isso aumenta nosso conhecimento e responsabilidade, recebi revelação pessoal ao respeito de uma pergunta que eu teve anteriormente, na verdade o dia anterior. Sentia como o Senhor me dizendo o que era para escrever. E enquanto eu escrevi eu recebi mais. E assim foi até eu teve um paragrafo que explicava a resposta da minha pergunta.
Em fim. Esse experiencia foi otimo. E novo para mim. Esta ajudando me a entender mais sobre a maneira que recebemos revelação.
Well I love you guys. Do whats right. Not whats wrong. Don't do things that look good now but over the long run won't be so good.
[Insert Classic Old Person Wisdom Here]
Elder Cordon
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